Free terminal, free machines, free processing, free, free, free. Well If what ever they are selling is free, how does that business make money?
We live in a capitalistic society. Millions of Americans open businesses every day and operate businesses everyday to make earn money, make a profit. If they don’t, if they operate at a loss, they might as well not be in business. The simpilest definition of a business is to earn a profit. So if you have a business selling you a product or service that is totally, absolutely free, you should be concerned and ask yourself,
“If they are giving me this free, what will I pay for by signing up? Why do they want my business if there is no profit incentive for them.”
In the merchant services industry there is a marketing plan that promises small business owners almost everything for free. Free equipment, and free or below cost processing. Well I know this business, I know what things cost, and I cannot figure out how these organizations can offer all of these “free” products and still stay in business…unless, what they are selling is not free.