This is how strong social media influence is.
Social media presents a wealth of opportunities for real estate agents. You can use Facebook, YouTube and other platforms to market listings and generate leads. You can also use them to build a niche and promote your brand. But social media also can be used to generate secondary income or spin off a new business. In this blog post, we’ll review some real estate professionals using social media for this latter purpose. Here are 13 real estate influencers who built a business on social media.
*Influencers listed alphabetically.
1. Stefan Aarnio

2. Ricky Carruth

3. Bryan Casella

4. Sam DeBianchi

5. Tom Ferry

6. Luna Ge

7. Katie Lance

8. Max Maxwell

9. Chastin J. Miles

10. Kevin Paffrath

11. Graham Stephan

12. Loida Velazquez

13. Kevin Ward

So now you have a solid base of inspiration for starting your social media business and becoming a real estate influencer. Did we forget someone? Leave us a note in the comments. Or for more Realtyna content, check out How to Reduce Bounce Rate on Your IDX Real Estate Blog and.
The post 13 Real Estate Influencers Who Built a Business on Social Media appeared first on Realtyna – Real Estate Web.
This content was originally published here.